+31(0)70-205 73 90
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Direct contact
Willem Koops LLM

Willem Koops


Phone     +31(0)70 – 205 73 90
Mobile   +31(0)6 – 46 11 76 44

W.J. (Willem) Koops LLM

Willem has served as a lawyer at Summit Advocaten almost from the firm’s inception. As of 1 December 2024, he has made the transition to the House of Representatives. He is no longer listed as a lawyer in the register. Willem is still affiliated with Summit Advocaten as an unpaid advisor.

Willem can look back on an impressive career in the legal profession of almost 25 years. He acted in many extensive fraud case and managed to drag several clients away from the gates of hell. His approach was unconventional, creative and highly strategic. In his own unique way, Willem achieved excellent results for his clients, without losing good relations with the judiciary. Willem was a master negotiator and the founder of the current practice of litigation agreements in fraud cases.